Revision Histories for Versions 11.0.0 - 13.2.0

Shown below are VISRAD revision summaries for:


Version 13.2.0

Version 13.1.1


Version 13.1.0




Version 13.0.0

Version 12.2.0


Once points are selected, hit the Update button to compute relevant distances and angles. If two points are selected, only the distance between those two points is computed. If three points are selected, the distances between each pair of points, and the angles between the 3 points, which define a triangle, are computed.

When hitting the () button, the Target Component Positions Dialog is displayed (below left). Double-click on one of the points to automatically populate the position boxes in the Point-to-Point Distance Tool.

When hitting the () button, that icon appears when moving the mouse in the Main Graphics Window. Pick on a surface element, and a widget showing the node positions and centroid position for that surface element is displayed (below right). The colors correspond to those shown for the nodes of the picked surface element in the Main Graphics Window. Double-click on one of the points in the Picked Surface Nodes widget to automatically populate the position boxes in the Point-to-Point Distance Tool.




Version 12.1.0

Elements which can be added to a Multi-Element target component include: Box, Cone, Cylinder, Disk, Polygon, Rectangle, Sphere, Spokes, Surface of Revolution, and Torus.

Analytic expressions can be used to specify Element Position and Size/Grid parameters (see below right), where the function variables are those of the parent Multi-Element object. Then, when the values of the Size/Grid parameters of the parent Multi-Element object are changed (LA, LB, LC,...NA, NB,... in below left widget), the Position and Size/Grid values of each of its child Elements are automatically changed. Using this approach, relatively complex objects -- such as the those shown in the image above -- can be easily built and modified.


Elements for Multi-Element objects can be added, edited, duplicated, and deleted in the Elements tab of the Object Parameters Dialog. The color of the Elements can be set individually, or be overridden to use the color of the parent Multi-Element object.


Like other types of Target Components, Multi-Element objects can be stored in a user's Target Components Library for later re-use.


The properties of the Exploded View can be adjusted by selecting the Set | Exploded View Properties menu item. The offset distance for each Target Component can be set individually. Alternatively, the offsets for all components can be set to the same value by entering a value at the bottom and clicking the Set button. Displaying the Exploded View can also be done using the Show | Exploded View menu item.

Version 12.0.0


Version 11.5.0




Version 11.1.0

Version 11.0.1

Version 11.0.0






Copyright © 2000-2024 Prism Computational Sciences, Inc. VISRAD 19.3.0