OMEGA SRF Database

VISRAD support interaction with the University of Rochester's OMEGA Shot Request Form Database (SRF-DB) in several ways.

For general users, VISRAD supports:


For OMEGA-OPS, VISRAD supports:

SRF-DB data is mapped to VISRAD beam parameters using the same procedure as importing an XML-formation SRF file.

To view a list OMEGA shots in the SRF-DB, select the OMEGA | View SRF Shot List menu item.

To view SRF-DB laser beam data for a particular shot (RID number), select OMEGA | View SRF Laser Beam Data.

To export a file containing VISRAD laser beam parameters that can be imported to the SRF-DB, select File | Export OMEGA SRF Laser Beam Data.


SRF-DB Laser Beam Parameters:

When importing data directly from the SRF-DB, a second set of laser beam parameters is stored in VISRAD (separate from the "Standard" VISRAD laser beam parameters entered by the user). This allows the OMEGA OPs team to compare beam pointings from the SRF-DB with those contained in an experimenter's VISRAD file, and thereby facilitate identifying potential errors in beam pointing.

To switch between viewing the Standard VISRAD beam parameters and the SRF-DB beam parameters, select OMEGA OPS | Set Laser System for Graphics/Simulation.

When saving a workspace file after SRF-DB beam parameters have been imported, the user will be prompted to select which laser beam data to be saved (Standard VISRAD or SRF-DB).

SRF Local Network Support:

Starting with VisRad version 19.0.0 users will be able to access SRF shot list information via the local LLE network. To use this new connection method users will need to check the new LLE Database Connection Type in the Laser tab in Preferences.

Note users will now need to login with their credentials under the OMEGA OPS | Login SRF each time they open a new instance of VisRad. No login information is stored in VisRad or its preferences file therefore all login information is forgotten upon closing the given instance of VisRad.

After logging in to the new network connection system all previous SRF connection features will work as before but now connecting to the local network instead of using SQL database requests.



Copyright © 2000-2024 Prism Computational Sciences, Inc. VISRAD 19.3.0