Engineering View Buttons

A series of Engineering View buttons are located just below the Main Graphics Frame. These buttons support showing Engineering Views (e.g., top, bottom, front, isometric views) in the Main Graphics Frame.

The Engineering View tool buttons can be shown or hidden using the View | Engineering View Tool Buttons menu item.

When holding the mouse over one of the tool buttons, a preview is shown of that view. When clicking on the button, the view in the Main Graphics Frame is changed.

The reference Target Component for that view is the (first) one that is selected in the Target Components List. If no target component is selected, the Target Chamber is the reference system. (For example, to show the view from the top of a target component, select that component in the Target Components List, and hold the mouse over the Top View () button.)

Note that when picking on a target component in the Main Graphics Frame, the target component becomes highlighted in the Target Components List.




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