Sample Problem: Cylindrical Hohlraum at OMEGA

Setting Laser Beam Parameters

In this example, we set up the laser beams such that:

The clustering of the beams is given by:

Cluster Beams Pointing Focus
Cone 1 10, 15, 28, 31, 37 Center of LEH 0.06 cm past LEH
Cone 2 16, 17, 20, 33, 35 Center of LEH 0.06 cm past LEH


This grouping of beams into clusters was determined by examining the locations of laser ports in the coordinate system of the hohlraum. For Cones 1 and 2, the laser beams enter the LEH at angles of 21 and 42 degrees, respectively.

To do this:

All laser beams are now set up.

To show the beams in the main graphics window, see Displaying Laser Beams.


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