Chamber Components Library

Users can save, and later reuse, Chamber Components stored their Chamber Components Library. Each chamber component is saved individually in a file, with a ".vcc" extension.

To save to, or extract from, the Chamber Components Library, select the Chamber | Open Chamber Components Lib menu item. 

As part of the VISRAD software package distribution, the library includes a set of chamber components for several laser beam systems (including OMEGA, NIF, and OMEGA-EP). These items are contained in the Installed Components portion of the library.

Custom chamber components created by the user are contained in the User Components portion of the library.

Chamber components can be organized into folders, as shown below.


To use chamber components from the library in your current project:

To save chamber components to the library:

Chamber components and folders in the User Components portion of the library can be renamed and deleted. In addition to using Rename and Delete buttons, this can also be accomplished by selecting the item in the library using the right mouse button.

Files containing chamber component data can be imported in into the Chamber Components Library. In addition to VISRAD chamber component (*.vcc) files, STL- and STP-formatted CAD files can also be imported.



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