Converting Chamber Components to Target Components

Chamber Components can be copied to the Target Components List. Doing this allows these items to be included in laser deposition and radiosity calculations (i.e., it becomes possible to see if a Chamber Component is hit by a laser beam).

To do this, right-click on an item in the Chamber Components List, and select the Add to Target Components List menu item.

When a Chamber Component is composed of multiple items, the Chamber Components List displays each of the items that make up the component. For example, when a custom Chamber Component is created using multiple Target Components, each of those Target Components is shown in the Chamber Components List.


Either the entire Chamber Component or one of its child components can be copied to the Target Components List.

When copying a Chamber Component ("diagnostic housing" in the example above), a new folder is created in the Target Components List, and the folder contains each of the child components used when the Chamber Component was originally created.

When copying a child component ("cone1" in the example above), the new Target Component is added to the top-level "Target Components" folder.

The name of the new Target Components and folders in the Target Components List are adjusted if necessary to ensure that each name is unique.

Note that users should ensure that materials properties, such as the albedo and x-ray conversion efficiency are set correctly for each of the newly created Target Components.




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