Sample Problem: Z-Pinch Hohlraum

Setting Up the Grid: Detector with Aperture



We simulate the detector by putting a 1 cm x 1 cm square (a single polygon) along a line-of-sight typical of that used in a Z experiment. The detector polygon is put 200 cm away from the pinch (smaller than in experiments, but still large compared to the size of the pinch), as its normal vector faces the pinch. The detector is 12 degrees above the horizontal (78 degrees from vertical).

To set the viewing position so that the pinch can be viewed from just behind the detector, select Set | Viewing Position. The enter 201 cm for the distance from the origin, the set the polar angle to 78 degrees and azimuthal angle to 0 degrees.


Aperture for Detector:

We assume an aperture located a distance of 10 cm from the pinch, with a slot height of 1.0 cm and a slot width of 0.7 cm.

We next need to apply a clipping volume equal to the size of the aperture.


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