Color Bars

A color bar is shown in the lower right portion of the main window, just under the Main Graphics Window. The color bar title identifies the quantity being displayed and its units.

To set the limits for the color bar, either choose the menu item Set | Color Bar, click the Set Color Bar button on the toolbar, or double-click on the color bar.


In addition, a color bar can be shown as an overlay in the Main Graphics Window (as shown in the left image below). To display the color bar, select the Show | Color Bar Overlay menu item. By double-clicking on the color bar box, the properties of the color bar can be edited (using the dialog shown on right in image below).


Note that the color bar limits, color map, and specification of linear vs. log plotting are still specified in the Color Bar Settings dialog (displayed with the Set | Color Bar menu item or double-clicking on the color bar located below the Main Graphics Window).



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