Laser Beams List

The laser beams list appears on the lower left side of the VISRAD Main Window. It provides a list of all laser beams in the laser beam system.

Laser beams can be grouped into "clusters". This is often useful when pointing a group of beams to a similar location.

Multiple beam selection is supported by using Shift-Click (i.e., press left mouse button while holding down the shift key) or Ctrl-Click operations.

By right-clicking with the mouse on one of the laser beams or clusters in the list, a pop-up menu appears providing a list of several operations that can be performed on the selected beams.

Double-clicking (with the left mouse button) on one of the laser beams in the list brings up the Laser Beams Parameters Dialog for that beam. Parameters for that laser beam can then be modified.

The Find menu item can be used to locate a particular beam in the list by name.

An icon appears to the left of each beam name. Its appearance is determined by:


For the NIF Laser Beam System, the characteristics of the red, green, and blue (RGB) cones can be set independently for each beam:

When plotting laser powers vs. time, the powers profiles of multiple beams can be plotted. However, for the NIF laser system, when All Cones is selected for plotting, the powers for only a single beam are displayed.

For the NIF system, icons are shown in Laser Beam List which indicate which RGB cones are visible in the display and which have their powers on. For each beam, the 3 small blue, red, and green squares on the top level indicate whether the cone power is on, while the 3 squares on the bottom level indicate whether the cone is visible in the Main Graphics Window.


For the LMJ Laser Beam System, beams are grouped into quads. Setting the properties of a beam quad (e.g., pointing) affects all of the beams in the quad. The properties of individual beams can also be edited.



For information on probe beams for the OMEGA and OMEGA-EP chambers, see OMEGA/OMEGA-EP Probe Beams.

For information on NIF ARC beams, see NIF ARC Beams.



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