Image Plane Setup

The Image Plane tab of the Detector setup widget is used to specify the majority of key parameters for the SPECT3D virtual detector.

The Projection, or viewing, model is used to specify a grid of lines-of-sight that emanate from the detector plane through the plasma. SPECT3D supports the following projection models:

Point Projection is typically used in cases where small backlighter sources are utilized.

The Vertical alignment combo box is used to specify the alignment axis of the vertical of the detector image grid.


The position of the detector, its center of projection (i.e., the point to which the detector points), and the backlighter position (if applicable) are specified in the coordinate system of the plasma. The Detector Position must be entered for all projection models. When Orthographic Projection is selected, the Center of Projection is also entered. Otherwise, the Backlighter Position is entered for the Point Projection model, while the position of the spherical crystal is entered for the Spherical Crystal Projection model.

Note that backlighter effects can also be included when using Orthographic Projection, in which case the position of the backlighter is defined by the Center of Projection, and the backlighter has an extended size that is equal to the size of the detector.

Positions can be entered in either Cartesian (x,y,z) or spherical polar (r, azimuthal angle, polar angle) coordinates. All coordinates are in the frame of reference of the target plasma.

SPECT3D supports rectangular and disk (circular) detector grids. The latter is particularly useful for calculations of spherically symmetric plasmas, or for cylindrical plasmas when viewing from the top.

For a rectangular detector grid (i.e., image), specify:





For a disk (circular) detector, specify:

When the Spherical Crystal Projection model is chosen, the following parameters should be entered:


Copyright © 2024 Prism Computational Sciences, Inc. SPECT3D 20.5.0