Designating Target Components as Stalks

A Cylinder or Cone target component can be designated as a Stalk object.

The purpose of designating an object as a Stalk is to support the use of Target Mounts in the Target Positioning Viewer. This is needed in order to map the position of a target component used to represent a stalk in an experiment (set up in the Main Graphics Window) to the Target Positioner Rotation/Translation controls used in the Target Positioning Viewer. Without this mapping, when the user utilizes a stalk away from TCC (i.e., the axis of the stalk does not point at TCC), the determination of the location of the target mount axis is problematic.

A target component is designated to be a Stalk object by setting its Designation in the Object Parameters Dialog, and using a Target Mount as its Reference Coordinate System. When an object's designation as a Stalk is changed, or when its position changes, the Target Mount translation offsets in the Target Positioning Viewer are automatically updated to be consistent with the stalk's position.

An alternative method for adding a Stalk object at a particular point on a Target Component is to pick on a surface element in the target grid using the Picked Surface Node Positions tool button (). In the Picked Surface Node Positions Dialog, where the node positions, centroid, and unit normal for the surface are shown, select one of the surface element nodes or the centroid position, and click on the Add a Stalk at this Surface button. A dialog showing a list of available Target Mounts is shown, along with a few selected parameters. The new Stalk object is then added to the Target Components List, and can be later edited using the Object Parameters Dialog.

Below are comments on the use of Stalk objects. Note that if not using the Target Positioning Viewer, there is no need to be concerned with Stalk objects. (However, keep in mind that when VISRAD files are supplied to laser facilities, the personnel there may utilize the Target Positioning Viewer with that file.)

The use of support tools, such as the Orientation Angles Calculator, the Line-Target Intersection Points Tool, and the Coordinate Transformation Tool, can facilitate positioning a Stalk object with respect to other target components.



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