Sample Problem: Time-Dependent Z-Pinch Hohlraum

Viewing Results

To view results , select Display | <result_type>.

By default, the color bar is set so that it bounds the minimum and maximum values of the quantity being displayed. The color bar limits can be set by selecting Set | Color Bar.


Results for the radiation temperature and emission temperature in this example are shown below for t = 100 ns. To view results at other times, adjust the time in the Time Selector, and press the update display button.





Results for an individual surface element in the target grid can be displayed by "picking" it (double-clicking on it) with the mouse. For example, to view the flux at the detector, double-click on a surface element on the detector in the graphics frame.

Because the detector is located far from the target chamber center in this example, it is sometimes easier to locate target components in the grid by setting the viewing position.



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