Graphics Viewing Controls

The view in the Main Graphics Window can be adjusted using:

If the mouse/keyboard controls are used, users may choose to hide the viewer control widgets to provide for more space in the Main Window. To show/hide the Viewer Control widgets, see Setting Preferences.

Note that the viewing position can also be set by selecting the exact placement of the viewing location (select Set | Viewing Position).


Mouse/Keyboard Navigation Controls:

3-D navigation in the Main Window can be performed using mouse-controlled Zooming, Rotating, and Translating. Controls used to set the mode for response to mouse behavior are located on the right side of the Main Window.

When using the Normal Mouse Pointer:

Note that to Zoom, Rotate, and Translate, the left mouse button must be pressed while moving the mouse.

The viewer controls are:

Viewer Orientation Controls

To change angles related to the Viewer orientation, click on the ( ) button on the right side of the Main Window. This displays the widget shown below.

The Viewer and Scene positions can be specified in the Set Viewing Position Dialog. Rotating the eyes up, down, left, and right can by useful when viewing elements that are close to the Viewer (e.g., when viewing the inside of a target component).

Rotation About Axes and Surface Element Normals

To rotate about a Target Component (or Target Chamber) axis, a Diagnostic Port line of sight, or a surface element normal, click on the ( ) button on the right side of the Main Window.

To rotate about the normal vector of a surface element, select Surface Element. Then pick a surface element in the Main Graphics Frame, and then rotate about the surface element using the dial.

To rotate about an axis of either the Target Chamber or one of the Target Components, select Target Component, and choose the axis to rotate about (x, y, or z). Then rotate about the axis using the dial.

To rotate about a line of sight (LOS) that extends from a Diagnostic Port to target chamber center (TCC), select Diagnostic Port. Then select which Diagnostic Port by clicking on the () button. Then rotate the dial. The selected LOS will be displayed as a red line.


Using this approach, each rotation that is performed is tracked in a list such that the rotations are performed sequentially. Because of this, this approach to rotating about axes is more intuitive than using the Scene Rotation Controls (see below) in the lower left panel of the Main Window. It is therefore recommended that users utilize this newer approach and hide the rotation widgets on the lower left panel (using the Show Viewing (Motion) Controls check box in the User Interface tab of Preferences).

The list of rotations built up using this approach can be cleared by right-clicking on the tool button ().


Orbit Rotation Controls

To rotate about a fixed point (a Surface Element orTarget Component picked with the mouse), click on the Orbit tool button () on the right side of the main window.

The list of rotations built up using this approach can be cleared by right-clicking on the tool button ().


Scene Rotation Controls

The scene can also be rotated about the x, y, or z axes -- of the target chamber coordinate system or coordinate system of any target component -- by moving the rotation sliders. Alternatively, exact rotation angles can be entered into the boxes directly to the left of the slider. Angles are in units of degrees.

To reset the rotation angles for all axes to zero, press the button located just above the rotation sliders.

The zoom slider is used to zoom in or out. The button on the right of the zoom slider resets the zoom factor.



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